Order MOISTLY HARMLESS: HOW TO APPRECIATE NEWTS AND SALAMANDERS, a comic book by artist (and professional amphibian enthusiast) ETHAN KOCAK. Part field guide, part memoir, and all about salamanders, this book will be adventurous, funny and packed full of up-to-date scientific information (and silly comics). Shipping now!
A Collaborative Art Book
A Passion for Wildlife and Conservation
The book, LOSING ALTITUDE, began as a dream to inspire in others a passion for wildlife and the conservation of endangered species and evolved into a collaborative effort between artists worldwide. The book was funded through KICKSTARTERand printed with exquisite quality by the ART BOOKBINDERY.
Birds are some of the most beautiful and interesting animals in the world. They live on every continent, and over the ages they have developed all kinds of interesting adaptations to life in all those different places. With such a huge variety of species, shapes, plumages, and colors, birds have inspired artists from the world over.
This art book brings together more than 45 artists from around the globe to illustrate threatened and endangered birds ranging from the little O’ahu ‘Elepaio and tiny Short-Crested Coquette to the magnificent Great Green Parrot and the mighty Javan Hawk-Eagle.
Arras Wiedorn, author, artist and owner of the micro publisher, Endangered Art Books, is a native of Severna Park, Maryland, with a degree in zoology from WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY. She has worked as a husbandry specialist and animal trainer, and is currently a graduate student at TEXAS A&M CORPUS CHRISTI. Arras has had a passion for animals since she was a small child, and is especially interested in birds and conservation ecology.
Arras advocates the work of many bird conservation organizations including BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL.
”I thought it would be great to use art books to teach people about species that they had never heard of, or perhaps misheard of,” Wiedorn explained. “Maybe, that way, people will start to think about how we can conserve those animals.”
There are many organizations helping to protect endangered species around the world. BirdLife International is a wonderful resource that can help you to find programs aimed at helping species in your area and around the world.
One of the biggest steps to helping our natural world is knowing about it! Spend some time researching local species and other species that interest you.