Support Conservation Efforts

Losing Altitude Book — Red-Tailed Parrot

There are many organizations helping to protect endangered species around the world. BirdLife International is a wonderful resource that can help you to find programs aimed at helping species in your area and around the world.

You may even be able to volunteer! One way you can volunteer is to help scientists out. You do not have to be a scientist yourself to help with research projects aimed at helping wildlife and the environment.

If you don’t have time to volunteer, a donation can be a big help to conservation programs and organizations. (A caveat: always do your research before you donate money to any organization! You want to be sure your money will be put to good use.) 

You can make a big difference in small ways every day.

Excerpt from Losing Altitude, by Arras Wiedorn.

Artwork by Kitty Harvill, AFC.

Educate Yourself

Losing Altitude Book — Lammergeier

One of the biggest steps to helping our natural world is knowing about it! Spend some time researching local species and other species that interest you.

Find out what kinds of threats they face, and how you can help to reduce those threats threats, even in small ways. 

You can research species that aren’t endangered, too. After all, we can do a lot to prevent new species from becoming endangered!

Learn about habitats and environments around the world and how your everyday actions can affect them.

Excerpt from Losing Altitude, by Arras Wiedorn.

Artwork by Zachary Smith.

Shop Conscientiously

Losing Altitude Book — Tricolored Blackbird

When shopping, try not to buy products or support companies that cause harm to wildlife and natural habitats.

Avoid products that contain ingredients such as unsustainably harvested palm oil, the production of which threatens many species. Choose free trade and ethically produced products when available.

Try to recycle whenever possible, and avoid products that are not recyclable or do not bio-degrade, such as micro-beads and other plastics.

Use the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program resources to help you make responsible seafood choices.

Avoid souvenirs and products that contain animal parts or contribute to the destruction of habitats, especially when traveling.

Excerpt from Losing Altitude, by Arras Wiedorn.

Artwork by Crystal Carpenter.

Creating Wildlife-Friendly Spaces

Losing Altitude Gray — Headed Albatross

Choose native plants for your garden, especially those which will provide food and shelter for native species of birds and other wildlife.

You can also provide:

  • food
  • shelter
  • water
  • bird feeders
  • bird houses
  • bird baths
  • fountains

Different birds have different needs, so be sure to find out what species are in your area and what kinds of houses are best for them. (You can also put up bat houses!)

If you are going to be providing food, do your research first and be sure that you are choosing safe and healthy options. A local birding shop should be able to help you choose. Also make sure that the water you provide stays clean and fresh.

You might also consider reducing your lawn, because close-cropped grass lawns are inefficient and not very wildlife friendly. When it comes to watering and fertilizing your lawn and garden, choose environmentally friendly solutions such as collecting rainwater and creating compost.

Avoid using chemicals such as fertilizers and insecticides, as these chemicals can be detrimental to wildlife. They can even harm species that they are not intended to affect; don’t forget, many birds and other animals eat plants and insects and may ingest any chemicals you put in your lawn or garden.

Excerpt from Losing Altitude, by Arras Wiedorn.

Artwork by SEM.